Delaware County, Ohio, Amateur Radio emergency Service
Delaware County ARES

Our Technology

Amateur Radio - applying the latest

Amateur radio has pioneered many of the technological systems we enjoy today- from making telephone calls using a hand held radio unit, to taking through a dedicated satellite- radio hams have fulfilled the FCC’s rules specifying ham radio as a valuable resource!

Communications for your Public Service Event

Delaware ARES members regularly supply free communication to help provide safe operational communication for your event. So long as it is a non-profit experience or significantly impacts the public safety we are glad to work with your organizers. We have people and radio resources to help keep your participants safe.

When It’s an Emergency

Amateurs around the world are know to be the first source of information from widespread disaster areas. From earthquakes to hurricanes, radio hams know how to obtain emergency power, put up portable stations and get the communication pathways open again. In Delaware County, we can be used during emergency conditions, for additional eyes and ears in a “missing” search, communicating from a shelter and many other tasks.
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Our Technology

Amateur Radio - applying the


Amateur radio has pioneered many of the technological systems we enjoy today- from making telephone calls using a hand held radio unit, to taking through a dedicated satellite- radio hams have fulfilled the FCC’s rules specifying ham radio as a valuable resource!

Communications for your Public Service


Delaware ARES members regularly supply free communication to help provide safe operational communication for your event. So long as it is a non-profit experience or significantly impacts the public safety we are glad to work with your organizers. We have people and radio resources to help keep your participants safe.

When It’s an Emergency

Amateurs around the world are know to be the first source of information from widespread disaster areas. From earthquakes to hurricanes, radio hams know how to obtain emergency power, put up portable stations and get the communication pathways open again. In Delaware County, we can be used during emergency conditions, for additional eyes and ears in a “missing” search, communicating from a shelter and many other tasks.

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